
Create a list of polygonAnnotations on the map.

PolygonAnnotations are going to be created only for features with a matching geometry.

All supported properties are: PolygonAnnotationOptions.PROPERTY_FILL_SORT_KEY - Double PolygonAnnotationOptions.PROPERTY_FILL_COLOR - String PolygonAnnotationOptions.PROPERTY_FILL_OPACITY - Double PolygonAnnotationOptions.PROPERTY_FILL_OUTLINE_COLOR - String PolygonAnnotationOptions.PROPERTY_FILL_PATTERN - String PolygonAnnotationOptions.PROPERTY_FILL_Z_OFFSET - Double Learn more about above properties in the )The online documentation.

Out of spec properties: "is-draggable" - Boolean, true if the polygonAnnotation should be draggable, false otherwise


the list of built polygonAnnotations



the GeoJSON defining the list of polygonAnnotations to build

fun create(featureCollection: FeatureCollection): List<PolygonAnnotation>

Create a list of polygonAnnotations on the map.

PolygonAnnotations are going to be created only for features with a matching geometry.

All supported properties are: PolygonAnnotationOptions.PROPERTY_FILL_SORT_KEY - Double PolygonAnnotationOptions.PROPERTY_FILL_COLOR - String PolygonAnnotationOptions.PROPERTY_FILL_OPACITY - Double PolygonAnnotationOptions.PROPERTY_FILL_OUTLINE_COLOR - String PolygonAnnotationOptions.PROPERTY_FILL_PATTERN - String PolygonAnnotationOptions.PROPERTY_FILL_Z_OFFSET - Double Learn more about above properties in the )The online documentation.

Out of spec properties: "is-draggable" - Boolean, true if the polygonAnnotation should be draggable, false otherwise


the list of built polygonAnnotations



the featureCollection defining the list of polygonAnnotations to build