
data class LocationPuck2D @JvmOverloads constructor(var topImage: ImageHolder? = null, var bearingImage: ImageHolder? = null, var shadowImage: ImageHolder? = null, var scaleExpression: String? = null, var opacity: Float = 1.0f) : LocationPuck

Definition of a location_puck_2_d.


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fun LocationPuck2D(topImage: ImageHolder? = null, bearingImage: ImageHolder? = null, shadowImage: ImageHolder? = null, scaleExpression: String? = null, opacity: Float = 1.0f)


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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Name of image in sprite to use as the middle of the location indicator.

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var opacity: Float = 1.0f

The opacity of the entire location puck Default value: 1. Value range: 0, 1

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var scaleExpression: String? = null

The scale expression of the images. If defined, it will be applied to all the three images.

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Name of image in sprite to use as the background of the location indicator.

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var topImage: ImageHolder? = null

Name of image in sprite to use as the top of the location indicator.