
Shows a location puck on the map.


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class Builder(var locationPuck: LocationPuck)

Composes and builds a LocationComponentSettings object.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Overloaded equals function.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Overloaded hashCode function based on all class properties.

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Convert to Builder allowing to change class properties.

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open override fun toString(): String

Overloaded toString function.

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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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The color of the accuracy ring border. Works for 2D location puck only. Default value: "#4d89cff0".

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The color of the accuracy ring. Works for 2D location puck only. Default value: "#4d89cff0".

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Whether the user location is visible on the map. Default value: false.

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Sets the id of the layer that's added above to when placing the component on the map.

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Sets the id of the layer that's added below to when placing the component on the map.

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Defines what the customised look of the location puck. Note that direct changes to the puck variables won't have any effect, a new puck needs to be set every time.

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The enum controls how the puck is oriented Default value: "heading".

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Whether the puck rotates to track the bearing source. Default value: false.

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The color of the pulsing circle. Works for 2D location puck only. Default value: "#4A90E2".

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Whether the location puck is pulsing on the map. Works for 2D location puck only. Default value: false.

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The maximum radius of the pulsing circle. Works for 2D location puck only. Note: Setting pulsingMaxRadius to LocationComponentConstants.PULSING_MAX_RADIUS_FOLLOW_ACCURACY will set the pulsing circle's maximum radius to follow location accuracy circle. Default value: 10. This property is specified in pixels.

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Whether show accuracy ring with location puck. Works for 2D location puck only. Default value: false.

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val slot: String?

The slot this layer is assigned to. If specified, and a slot with that name exists, it will be placed at that position in the layer order.