
class MapboxCarMapSessionInstaller(session: Session, mapboxCarMap: MapboxCarMap = MapboxCarMap())

When attaching the many possible experiences onto MapboxCarMap, this installer allows you to remove all the boilerplate. Use this installer for creating experiences that will be attached as long as the head unit is using your application. To assign an experience to a screen please use the MapboxCarMapScreenInstaller.

Use this to setup the Session. Use the Session.mapboxMapInstaller extension!



Android Auto Session.


instance that can be also be found from the install function.


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fun MapboxCarMapSessionInstaller(session: Session, mapboxCarMap: MapboxCarMap = MapboxCarMap())


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fun install(initializer: MapboxCarMapInitializer = defaultInitializer): MapboxCarMap

Subscribes to the Session lifecycle and coordinates assigns the observers to their specified lifecycle.

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