
Define the interfaces for the Layer plugin.


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abstract fun addOnFlingListener(onFlingListener: OnFlingListener)

Add a fling gesture listener that is invoked when a map is flinged

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abstract fun addOnMapClickListener(onMapClickListener: OnMapClickListener)

Add a map click listener that is invoked when a map is clicked.

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abstract fun addOnMapLongClickListener(onMapLongClickListener: OnMapLongClickListener)

Add a map long click listener that is invoked when a map is clicked.

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abstract fun addOnMoveListener(onMoveListener: OnMoveListener)

Add a move gesture listener that is invoked when a map is moved.

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abstract fun addOnRotateListener(onRotateListener: OnRotateListener)

Add a rotation gesture listener that is invoked when a map is rotated

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abstract fun addOnScaleListener(onScaleListener: OnScaleListener)

Add a scale gesture listener that is invoked when a map is scaled

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abstract fun addOnShoveListener(onShoveListener: OnShoveListener)

Add a shove gesture listener tha is invoked when a map is shoved

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abstract fun addProtectedAnimationOwner(owner: String)

Add animator owner (see CameraAnimatorOptions.owner or MapAnimationOptions.owner which animation will not be canceled with when gesture animation is about to start. When specified, you are responsible for listening to gesture interactions and canceling the specified owners' animations to avoid competing with gestures.

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abstract fun bind(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?, pixelRatio: Float)

Bind the ViewPlugin with current map context. This will create a View that will be added to the MapView.

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open fun cleanup()

Called when the map is destroyed. Should be used to cleanup plugin resources for that map.

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abstract fun getGesturesManager(): AndroidGesturesManager

Get the current configured gesture manager

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Get current gestures configuration.

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open fun initialize()

Called when the plugin is first added to the map.

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open fun onDelegateProvider(delegateProvider: MapDelegateProvider)

Provides all map delegate instances.

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Called for events that don't fit the other handlers.

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open fun onSizeChanged(width: Int, height: Int)

Invoked when MapView's width and height have changed.

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abstract fun onTouchEvent(motionEvent: MotionEvent?): Boolean

Called when user touches the screen, all positions are absolute.

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abstract fun removeOnFlingListener(onFlingListener: OnFlingListener)

Remove a fling gesture listener that is invoked when a map is flinged

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abstract fun removeOnMapClickListener(onMapClickListener: OnMapClickListener)

Remove a map click listener that is invoked when a map is clicked.

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abstract fun removeOnMapLongClickListener(onMapLongClickListener: OnMapLongClickListener)

Add a map long click listener that is invoked when a map is clicked.

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abstract fun removeOnMoveListener(listener: OnMoveListener)

Remove a move gesture listener that is invoked when a map is moved

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Remove a rotate gesture listener that is invoked when a map is rotated

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abstract fun removeOnScaleListener(listener: OnScaleListener)

Remove a callback that is invoked when the map is scaled.

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abstract fun removeOnShoveListener(listener: OnShoveListener)

Remove a shove gesture listener that is invoked wen a map is shoved

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Remove animator owner (see CameraAnimatorOptions.owner or MapAnimationOptions.owner) which animation will not be canceled with when gesture animation is about to start. When specified, you are responsible for listening to gesture interactions and canceling the specified owners' animations to avoid competing with gestures.

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abstract fun setGesturesManager(internalGesturesManager: AndroidGesturesManager, attachDefaultListeners: Boolean, setDefaultMutuallyExclusives: Boolean)

Set internal gesture manager

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abstract fun updateSettings(block: GesturesSettings.Builder.() -> Unit)

Update gestures configuration, the update will be applied to the plugin automatically.


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Whether double tapping the map with one touch results in a zoom-in animation. Default value: true.

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Whether single tapping the map with two touches results in a zoom-out animation. Default value: true.

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By default, gestures rotate and zoom around the center of the gesture. Set this property to rotate and zoom around a fixed point instead.

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Whether pinch to zoom threshold increases when rotating. true by default. Default value: true.

Whether rotate threshold increases when pinching to zoom. true by default. Default value: true.

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Whether pan is enabled for the pinch gesture. Default value: true.

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Whether a deceleration animation following a pinch-to-zoom gesture is enabled. True by default. Default value: true.

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Whether the pinch to zoom gesture is enabled. Default value: true.

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abstract var pitchEnabled: Boolean

Whether the pitch gesture is enabled. Default value: true.

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Whether the quick zoom gesture is enabled. Default value: true.

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Whether a deceleration animation following a rotate gesture is enabled. True by default. Default value: true.

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abstract var rotateEnabled: Boolean

Whether the rotate gesture is enabled. Default value: true.

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Whether a deceleration animation following a scroll gesture is enabled. True by default. Default value: true.

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abstract var scrollEnabled: Boolean

Whether the single-touch scroll gesture is enabled. Default value: true.

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abstract var scrollMode: ScrollMode

Configures the directions in which the map is allowed to move during a scroll gesture. Default value: "horizontal-and-vertical".

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Whether rotation is enabled for the pinch to zoom gesture. Default value: true.

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The amount by which the zoom level increases or decreases during a double-tap-to-zoom-in or double-touch-to-zoom-out gesture. 1.0 by default. Must be positive. Default value: 1.