
The state holder for ClipLayer's layer properties.

See also


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Construct an default ClipLayerState.


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Removes content from layers with the specified scope. By default all layers are affected. For example specifying basemap will only remove content from the Mapbox Standard style layers which have the same scope Default value: [].

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Layer types that will also be removed if fallen below this clip layer. Default value: [].

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An expression specifying conditions on source features. Only features that match the filter are displayed. Zoom expressions in filters are only evaluated at integer zoom levels. The ["feature-state", ...] expression is not supported in filter expressions. The ["pitch"] and ["distance-from-center"] expressions are supported only for filter expressions on the symbol layer.

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The interactions associated with this layer.

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The maximum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels equal to or greater than the maxzoom, the layer will be hidden. Value range: 0, 24

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The minimum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels less than the minzoom, the layer will be hidden. Value range: 0, 24

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Layer to use from a vector tile source. Required for vector tile sources; prohibited for all other source types, including GeoJSON sources.

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Whether this layer is displayed. Default value: "visible".