
fun MapEffect(key1: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(MapView) -> Unit)

When MapEffect enters the composition it will launch block into the composition's CoroutineContext. The coroutine will be cancelled and re-launched when MapEffect is recomposed with a different key1.

The coroutine will be cancelled when the MapEffect leaves the composition.

This function should not be used to (re-)launch ongoing tasks in response to callback events by way of storing callback data in MutableState passed to key. Instead, see rememberCoroutineScope to obtain a CoroutineScope that may be used to launch ongoing jobs scoped to the composition in response to event callbacks.

fun MapEffect(key1: Any?, key2: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(MapView) -> Unit)

When MapEffect enters the composition it will launch block into the composition's CoroutineContext. The coroutine will be cancelled and re-launched when MapEffect is recomposed with a different key1 or key2.

The coroutine will be cancelled when the MapEffect leaves the composition.

This function should not be used to (re-)launch ongoing tasks in response to callback events by way of storing callback data in MutableState passed to key. Instead, see rememberCoroutineScope to obtain a CoroutineScope that may be used to launch ongoing jobs scoped to the composition in response to event callbacks.

fun MapEffect(key1: Any?, key2: Any?, key3: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(MapView) -> Unit)

When MapEffect enters the composition it will launch block into the composition's CoroutineContext. The coroutine will be cancelled and re-launched when MapEffect is recomposed with a different key1, key2 or key3.

The coroutine will be cancelled when the MapEffect leaves the composition.

This function should not be used to (re-)launch ongoing tasks in response to callback events by way of storing callback data in MutableState passed to key. Instead, see rememberCoroutineScope to obtain a CoroutineScope that may be used to launch ongoing jobs scoped to the composition in response to event callbacks.

fun MapEffect(vararg keys: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(MapView) -> Unit)

When MapEffect enters the composition it will launch block into the composition's CoroutineContext. The coroutine will be cancelled and re-launched when MapEffect is recomposed with any different keys.

The coroutine will be cancelled when the MapEffect leaves the composition.

This function should not be used to (re-)launch ongoing tasks in response to callback events by way of storing callback data in MutableState passed to key. Instead, see rememberCoroutineScope to obtain a CoroutineScope that may be used to launch ongoing jobs scoped to the composition in response to event callbacks.