
The state holder for PolylineAnnotationGroup properties.



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The display of line endings.

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Specifies the lengths of the alternating dashes and gaps that form the dash pattern. The lengths are later scaled by the line width. To convert a dash length to density-independent pixels, multiply the length by the current line width. Note that GeoJSON sources with lineMetrics: true specified won't render dashed lines to the expected scale. Also note that zoom-dependent expressions will be evaluated only at integer zoom levels. The unit of lineDasharray is in line widths.

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Decrease line layer opacity based on occlusion from 3D objects. Value 0 disables occlusion, value 1 means fully occluded.

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Controls the intensity of light emitted on the source features. The unit of lineEmissiveStrength is in intensity.

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Used to automatically convert miter joins to bevel joins for sharp angles.

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Opacity multiplier (multiplies line-opacity value) of the line part that is occluded by 3D objects. Value 0 hides occluded part, value 1 means the same opacity as non-occluded part. The property is not supported when {@link PropertyFactory#lineOpacity} has data-driven styling.

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Used to automatically convert round joins to miter joins for shallow angles.

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The geometry's offset. Values are x, y where negatives indicate left and up, respectively. The unit of lineTranslate is in density-independent pixels.

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Controls the frame of reference for {@link PropertyFactory#lineTranslate}.

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The line part between trim-start, trim-end will be marked as transparent to make a route vanishing effect. The line trim-off offset is based on the whole line range 0.0, 1.0.