
object Companion

Static methods and variables.


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Show a debug view with information about the current camera state including lat, lng, zoom, pitch and bearing.

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Edges of glyphs and symbols are shown as faint, green lines to help diagnose collision and label placement issues.

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The depth buffer is shown instead of the color buffer.

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Show a wireframe for 2d layers. Currently supported for GL backend only.

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Show a wireframe for 3d layers. Currently supported for GL backend only.

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Each tile shows its local lighting conditions in the upper-left corner. (If lights properties are used, otherwise they show zero.)

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Show 3D model bounding boxes.

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Each drawing operation is replaced by a translucent fill. Overlapping drawing operations appear more prominent to help diagnose overdrawing.

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Draws camera padding frame.

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Each tile shows its tile coordinate (x/y/z) in the upper-left corner.

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The stencil buffer is shown instead of the color buffer.

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Show a wireframe for terrain. Currently supported for GL backend only.

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Edges of tile boundaries are shown as thick, red lines to help diagnose tile clipping issues.

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Each tile shows a timestamps with modified and expires dates or n/a if timestamp is not available.