
Shows the scale bar on the map.


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class Builder

Composes and builds a ScaleBarSettings object.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Overloaded equals function.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Overloaded hashCode function based on all class properties.

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Convert to Builder allowing to change class properties.

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open override fun toString(): String

Overloaded toString function.

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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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Defines width of the border for the scale bar. Default value: 2. This property is specified in pixels.

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Whether the scale is visible on the map. Default value: true.

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Defines height of the scale bar. Default value: 2. This property is specified in pixels.

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Whether the scale bar is using metric unit. True if the scale bar is using metric system, false if the scale bar is using imperial units. Default value: true.

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Defines the margin to the bottom that the scale bar honors. Default value: 4. This property is specified in pixels.

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Defines the margin to the left that the scale bar honors. Default value: 4. This property is specified in pixels.

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Defines the margin to the right that the scale bar honors. Default value: 4. This property is specified in pixels.

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Defines the margin to the top that the scale bar honors. Default value: 4. This property is specified in pixels.

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Defines where the scale bar is positioned on the map Default value: "top-left".

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Defines primary color of the scale bar. Default value: "black".

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configures ratio of scale bar max width compared with MapView width, default is 0.5. Default value: 0.5.

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Configures minimum refresh interval, in millisecond, default is 15. Default value: 15.

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Defines secondary color of the scale bar. Default value: "white".

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Configures whether to show the text border or not, default is true. Default value: true.

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Defines margin of the text bar of the scale bar. Default value: 8. This property is specified in pixels.

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Defines text border width of the scale bar. Default value: 2. This property is specified in pixels.

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Defines text color of the scale bar. Default value: "black".

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Defines text size of the scale bar. Default value: 8. This property is specified in pixels.

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If set to True scale bar will be triggering onDraw depending on ScaleBarSettings.refreshInterval even if actual data did not change. If set to False scale bar will redraw only on demand. Defaults to False and should not be changed explicitly in most cases. Could be set to True to produce correct GPU frame metrics when running gfxinfo command. Default value: false.