
object Companion

Static variables and methods.


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The encoding used by this source. Mapbox Terrain RGB is used by default Default value: "mapbox".

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Maximum zoom level for which tiles are available, as in the TileJSON spec. Data from tiles at the maxzoom are used when displaying the map at higher zoom levels. Default value: 22.

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Minimum tile update interval in seconds, which is used to throttle the tile update network requests. If the given source supports loading tiles from a server, sets the minimum tile update interval. Update network requests that are more frequent than the minimum tile update interval are suppressed. Default value: 0.

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Minimum zoom level for which tiles are available, as in the TileJSON spec. Default value: 0.

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When loading a map, if PrefetchZoomDelta is set to any number greater than 0, the map will first request a tile at zoom level lower than zoom - delta, but so that the zoom level is multiple of delta, in an attempt to display a full map at lower resolution as quick as possible. It will get clamped at the tile source minimum zoom. Default value: 4.

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For the tiled sources, this property sets the tile network requests delay. The given delay comes in action only during an ongoing animation or gestures. It helps to avoid loading the transient tiles from the network and thus to avoid redundant network requests. Note that tile-network-requests-delay value is superseded with tile-requests-delay property value, if both are provided. Default value: 0.

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For the tiled sources, this property sets the tile requests delay. The given delay comes in action only during an ongoing animation or gestures. It helps to avoid loading, parsing and rendering of the transient tiles and thus to improve the rendering performance, especially on low-end devices. Default value: 0.

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A setting to determine whether a source's tiles are cached locally. Default value: false.