
open override fun lineOcclusionOpacity(lineOcclusionOpacity: Double): LineLayer

Opacity multiplier (multiplies line-opacity value) of the line part that is occluded by 3D objects. Value 0 hides occluded part, value 1 means the same opacity as non-occluded part. The property is not supported when line-opacity has data-driven styling. Default value: 0. Value range: 0, 1

Use static method LineLayer.defaultLineOcclusionOpacity to set the default property.



value of lineOcclusionOpacity

open override fun lineOcclusionOpacity(lineOcclusionOpacity: Expression): LineLayer

Opacity multiplier (multiplies line-opacity value) of the line part that is occluded by 3D objects. Value 0 hides occluded part, value 1 means the same opacity as non-occluded part. The property is not supported when line-opacity has data-driven styling. Default value: 0. Value range: 0, 1

Use static method LineLayer.defaultLineOcclusionOpacityAsExpression to set the default property.



value of lineOcclusionOpacity as Expression

Opacity multiplier (multiplies line-opacity value) of the line part that is occluded by 3D objects. Value 0 hides occluded part, value 1 means the same opacity as non-occluded part. The property is not supported when line-opacity has data-driven styling. Default value: 0. Value range: 0, 1