
This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.

Separated the DSL receiver class to this interface to avoid IDE code suggestion for property getters.


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abstract fun hillshadeAccentColor(hillshadeAccentColor: Expression): HillshadeLayer
abstract fun hillshadeAccentColor(@ColorInt hillshadeAccentColor: Int): HillshadeLayer
abstract fun hillshadeAccentColor(hillshadeAccentColor: String = "#000000"): HillshadeLayer

The shading color used to accentuate rugged terrain like sharp cliffs and gorges. Default value: "#000000".

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The shading color used to accentuate rugged terrain like sharp cliffs and gorges. Default value: "#000000".

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abstract fun hillshadeEmissiveStrength(hillshadeEmissiveStrength: Expression): HillshadeLayer
abstract fun hillshadeEmissiveStrength(hillshadeEmissiveStrength: Double = 0.0): HillshadeLayer

Controls the intensity of light emitted on the source features. Default value: 0. Minimum value: 0.

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Controls the intensity of light emitted on the source features. Default value: 0. Minimum value: 0.

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abstract fun hillshadeExaggeration(hillshadeExaggeration: Expression): HillshadeLayer
abstract fun hillshadeExaggeration(hillshadeExaggeration: Double = 0.5): HillshadeLayer

Intensity of the hillshade Default value: 0.5. Value range: 0, 1

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Intensity of the hillshade Default value: 0.5. Value range: 0, 1

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abstract fun hillshadeHighlightColor(hillshadeHighlightColor: Expression): HillshadeLayer
abstract fun hillshadeHighlightColor(@ColorInt hillshadeHighlightColor: Int): HillshadeLayer
abstract fun hillshadeHighlightColor(hillshadeHighlightColor: String = "#FFFFFF"): HillshadeLayer

The shading color of areas that faces towards the light source. Default value: "#FFFFFF".

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The shading color of areas that faces towards the light source. Default value: "#FFFFFF".

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abstract fun hillshadeIlluminationAnchor(hillshadeIlluminationAnchor: Expression): HillshadeLayer
abstract fun hillshadeIlluminationAnchor(hillshadeIlluminationAnchor: HillshadeIlluminationAnchor = HillshadeIlluminationAnchor.VIEWPORT): HillshadeLayer

Direction of light source when map is rotated. Default value: "viewport".

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abstract fun hillshadeIlluminationDirection(hillshadeIlluminationDirection: Expression): HillshadeLayer
abstract fun hillshadeIlluminationDirection(hillshadeIlluminationDirection: Double = 335.0): HillshadeLayer

The direction of the light source used to generate the hillshading with 0 as the top of the viewport if hillshade-illumination-anchor is set to viewport and due north if hillshade-illumination-anchor is set to map and no 3d lights enabled. If hillshade-illumination-anchor is set to map and 3d lights enabled, the direction from 3d lights is used instead. Default value: 335. Value range: 0, 359

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abstract fun hillshadeShadowColor(hillshadeShadowColor: Expression): HillshadeLayer
abstract fun hillshadeShadowColor(@ColorInt hillshadeShadowColor: Int): HillshadeLayer
abstract fun hillshadeShadowColor(hillshadeShadowColor: String = "#000000"): HillshadeLayer

The shading color of areas that face away from the light source. Default value: "#000000".

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The shading color of areas that face away from the light source. Default value: "#000000".

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abstract fun maxZoom(maxZoom: Double): HillshadeLayer

The maximum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels equal to or greater than the maxzoom, the layer will be hidden.

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abstract fun minZoom(minZoom: Double): HillshadeLayer

The minimum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels less than the minzoom, the layer will be hidden.

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abstract fun slot(slot: String): HillshadeLayer

The slot this layer is assigned to. If specified, and a slot with that name exists, it will be placed at that position in the layer order.

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abstract fun sourceLayer(sourceLayer: String): HillshadeLayer

A source layer is an individual layer of data within a vector source. A vector source can have multiple source layers.

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abstract fun visibility(visibility: Expression): HillshadeLayer
abstract fun visibility(visibility: Visibility): HillshadeLayer

Whether this layer is displayed.


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