
Shows the compass on the map.


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class Builder

Composes and builds a CompassSettings object.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Overloaded equals function.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Overloaded hashCode function based on all class properties.

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Convert to Builder allowing to change class properties.

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open override fun toString(): String

Overloaded toString function.

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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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Whether the compass can be clicked and click events can be registered. Default value: true.

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Whether the compass is visible on the map. Default value: true.

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Whether the compass fades out to invisible when facing north direction. Default value: true.

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The compass image, the visual representation of the compass.

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Defines the margin to the bottom that the compass icon honors. Default value: 4. This property is specified in pixels.

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Defines the margin to the left that the compass icon honors. Default value: 4. This property is specified in pixels.

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Defines the margin to the right that the compass icon honors. Default value: 4. This property is specified in pixels.

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Defines the margin to the top that the compass icon honors. Default value: 4. This property is specified in pixels.

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The alpha channel value of the compass image Default value: 1.

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Defines where the compass is positioned on the map Default value: "top-right".

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The clockwise rotation value in degrees of the compass. Default value: 0.

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Whether the compass is displayed. Default value: true.