
open class Snapshotter

Snapshotter is high-level component responsible for taking map snapshot with given MapSnapshotOptions.


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fun Snapshotter(context: Context, options: MapSnapshotOptions, overlayOptions: SnapshotOverlayOptions = SnapshotOverlayOptions())


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object Companion

Static variables and methods.


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fun cameraForCoordinates(coordinates: List<Point>, padding: EdgeInsets?, bearing: Double?, pitch: Double?): CameraOptions

Convenience method that returns the camera options object for given arguments

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fun cancel()

Cancel taking snapshot if it was running.

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Returns the coordinate bounds for a given camera.

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fun destroy()

Destroy snapshotter.

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Get the current camera state.

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fun getSize(): Size

Gets the size of the snapshot

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Get the JSON serialization string of the current Mapbox Style in use.

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Get the URI of the current Mapbox Style in use.

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fun setCamera(cameraOptions: CameraOptions)

Set the camera options of the snapshot.

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fun setSize(size: Size)

Sets the size of the snapshot

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fun setStyleJson(styleJson: String)

Load the style from a provided JSON string.

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Set SnapshotStyleListener to listen to all events style related.

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fun setStyleUri(styleUri: String)

Set the URI of the current Mapbox Style in use.

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fun start(overlayCallback: SnapshotOverlayCallback? = null, resultCallback: SnapshotResultCallback)

Request a new snapshot. If there is a running snapshot request, it is cancelled and SnapshotResultCallback.onSnapshotResult for it will be called with snapshot=NULL.

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Returns tileIDs that cover current map camera