
open override fun rasterParticleMaxSpeed(rasterParticleMaxSpeed: Double): RasterParticleLayer

Defines the maximum speed for particles. Velocities with magnitudes equal to or exceeding this value are clamped to the max value.

Use static method RasterParticleLayer.defaultRasterParticleMaxSpeed to set the default property.



value of rasterParticleMaxSpeed

open override fun rasterParticleMaxSpeed(rasterParticleMaxSpeed: Expression): RasterParticleLayer

Defines the maximum speed for particles. Velocities with magnitudes equal to or exceeding this value are clamped to the max value.

Use static method RasterParticleLayer.defaultRasterParticleMaxSpeedAsExpression to set the default property.



value of rasterParticleMaxSpeed as Expression

Defines the maximum speed for particles. Velocities with magnitudes equal to or exceeding this value are clamped to the max value.