
object Companion

Static methods and variables.


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Utility function to get SymbolZOrder instance from given value.


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Sorts symbols by symbol sort key if set. Otherwise, sorts symbols by their y-position relative to the viewport if {@link ICON_ALLOW_OVERLAP} or {@link TEXT_ALLOW_OVERLAP} is set to {@link TRUE} or {@link ICON_IGNORE_PLACEMENT} or {@link TEXT_IGNORE_PLACEMENT} is {@link FALSE}.

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Sorts symbols by symbol sort key if set. Otherwise, no sorting is applied; symbols are rendered in the same order as the source data.

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Sorts symbols by their y-position relative to the viewport if {@link ICON_ALLOW_OVERLAP} or {@link TEXT_ALLOW_OVERLAP} is set to {@link TRUE} or {@link ICON_IGNORE_PLACEMENT} or {@link TEXT_IGNORE_PLACEMENT} is {@link FALSE}.