
fun PolylineAnnotation(points: List<Point>, lineJoin: LineJoin? = null, lineBlur: Double? = null, lineBorderColorInt: Int? = null, lineBorderColorString: String? = null, lineBorderWidth: Double? = null, lineColorInt: Int? = null, lineColorString: String? = null, lineGapWidth: Double? = null, lineOffset: Double? = null, lineOpacity: Double? = null, linePattern: String? = null, lineWidth: Double? = null, onClick: (PolylineAnnotation) -> Boolean = { false })

Composable function to add a PolylineAnnotation to the Map.



A list of Point for the line, which represents the locations of the line on the map.


The display of lines when joining.


Blur applied to the line, in density-independent pixels. The unit of lineBlur is in pixels.


The color of the line border. If line-border-width is greater than zero and the alpha value of this color is 0 (default), the color for the border will be selected automatically based on the line color. The property is set as Color Int.


The color of the line border. If line-border-width is greater than zero and the alpha value of this color is 0 (default), the color for the border will be selected automatically based on the line color. The property is set as Color String.


The width of the line border. A value of zero means no border.


The color with which the line will be drawn. The property is set as Color Int.


The color with which the line will be drawn. The property is set as Color String.


Draws a line casing outside of a line's actual path. Value indicates the width of the inner gap. The unit of lineGapWidth is in density-independent pixels.


The line's offset. For linear features, a positive value offsets the line to the right, relative to the direction of the line, and a negative value to the left. For polygon features, a positive value results in an inset, and a negative value results in an outset. The unit of lineOffset is in density-independent pixels.


The opacity at which the line will be drawn.


Name of image in sprite to use for drawing image lines. For seamless patterns, image width must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). Note that zoom-dependent expressions will be evaluated only at integer zoom levels.


Stroke thickness. The unit of lineWidth is in density-independent pixels.


Callback to be invoked when the PolylineAnnotation is clicked. The clicked PolylineAnnotation will be passed as parameter.