Vertical offset from ground, in meters. Defaults to 0. This is an experimental property with some known issues: - Not supported for globe projection at the moment - Elevated line discontinuity is possible on tile borders with terrain enabled - Rendering artifacts can happen near line joins and line caps depending on the line styling - Rendering artifacts relating to line-opacity
and line-blur
- Elevated line visibility is determined by layer order - Z-fighting issues can happen with intersecting elevated lines - Elevated lines don't cast shadows Default value: 0.
Use static method LineLayer.defaultLineZOffset to set the default property.
value of lineZOffset
Vertical offset from ground, in meters. Defaults to 0. This is an experimental property with some known issues: - Not supported for globe projection at the moment - Elevated line discontinuity is possible on tile borders with terrain enabled - Rendering artifacts can happen near line joins and line caps depending on the line styling - Rendering artifacts relating to line-opacity
and line-blur
- Elevated line visibility is determined by layer order - Z-fighting issues can happen with intersecting elevated lines - Elevated lines don't cast shadows Default value: 0.
Use static method LineLayer.defaultLineZOffsetAsExpression to set the default property.
value of lineZOffset as Expression
Vertical offset from ground, in meters. Defaults to 0. This is an experimental property with some known issues: - Not supported for globe projection at the moment - Elevated line discontinuity is possible on tile borders with terrain enabled - Rendering artifacts can happen near line joins and line caps depending on the line styling - Rendering artifacts relating to line-opacity
and line-blur
- Elevated line visibility is determined by layer order - Z-fighting issues can happen with intersecting elevated lines - Elevated lines don't cast shadows Default value: 0.