interface MapFeatureQueryDelegate
Definition of the feature query delegate. Provide interface to query map's features.
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In some cases querying source / render features is expected to be a blocking operation e.g. performing this action on map click. In this case in order to avoid deadlock on main thread querying could be performed on render thread and in that case querying result will be also delivered on render thread not leading to the main thread deadlock. Example:
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abstract fun queryRenderedFeatures( geometry: RenderedQueryGeometry, options: RenderedQueryOptions, callback: QueryRenderedFeaturesCallback): Cancelable
Queries the map for rendered features.
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abstract fun querySourceFeatures(sourceId: String, options: SourceQueryOptions, callback: QuerySourceFeaturesCallback): Cancelable
Queries the map for source features.
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suspend fun MapFeatureQueryDelegate.queryRenderedFeatures( geometry: RenderedQueryGeometry, options: RenderedQueryOptions): Expected<String, List<QueriedRenderedFeature>>
Queries the map for rendered features.
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suspend fun MapFeatureQueryDelegate.querySourceFeatures( sourceId: String, options: SourceQueryOptions): Expected<String, List<QueriedSourceFeature>>
Queries the map for source features.