open class FeaturesetFeature<FS : FeatureState> @RestrictTo(value = [RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY] ) constructor( val id: FeaturesetFeatureId?, val descriptor: TypedFeaturesetDescriptor<FS, *>, val state: FS, originalFeature: Feature)
The map interaction result object returned in the callback of:
User map interactions (ClickInteraction, LongClickInteraction).
Map query methods like
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fun <FS : FeatureState> FeaturesetFeature( id: FeaturesetFeatureId?, descriptor: TypedFeaturesetDescriptor<FS, *>, state: FS, originalFeature: Feature)
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The TypedFeaturesetDescriptor this concrete feature comes from. List of supported featuresets could be found in the nested classes (e.g. TypedFeaturesetDescriptor.Featureset, TypedFeaturesetDescriptor.Layer etc).
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Current feature state stored as a concrete instance of FeatureState. Important: this state is immutable and represents the feature state at the precise moment of the interaction callback.