
Custom Geometry Source, allows using FeatureCollections.

CustomGeometrySource uses a coalescing model for frequent data updates targeting the same tile id, which means, that the in-progress request as well as the last scheduled request are guaranteed to finish. Any requests scheduled meanwhile can be canceled.


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open override fun bindTo(delegate: MapboxStyleManager)

Add the source to the Style.

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fun invalidateRegion(coordinateBounds: CoordinateBounds)

Invalidate region for provided custom geometry source.

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Invalidate tile for provided custom geometry source.

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fun invalidRegion(coordinateBounds: CoordinateBounds)

Invalidate region for provided custom geometry source.

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Invalidate tile for provided custom geometry source.

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When a set of tiles for a current zoom level is being rendered and some of the ideal tiles that cover the screen are not yet loaded, parent tile could be used instead. This might introduce unwanted rendering side-effects, especially for raster tiles that are overscaled multiple times. This property sets the maximum limit for how much a parent tile can be overscaled.

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The property allows to define source specific resource budget, either in tile units or in megabytes. Whenever tile cache goes over the defined limit, least recently used tile will be evicted from the in-memory cache. Note that the current implementation does not take into account resources allocated by the visible tiles.

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fun setTileData(tileID: CanonicalTileID, featureCollection: MutableList<Feature>)

Set tile data of a custom geometry.

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open override fun toString(): String

Returns a human readable string that includes the cached properties of the source.


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When a set of tiles for a current zoom level is being rendered and some of the ideal tiles that cover the screen are not yet loaded, parent tile could be used instead. This might introduce unwanted rendering side-effects, especially for raster tiles that are overscaled multiple times. This property sets the maximum limit for how much a parent tile can be overscaled.

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The ID of the Source.

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The property allows to define source specific resource budget, either in tile units or in megabytes. Whenever tile cache goes over the defined limit, least recently used tile will be evicted from the in-memory cache. Note that the current implementation does not take into account resources allocated by the visible tiles.