This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.
Separated the DSL receiver class to this interface to avoid IDE code suggestion for property getters.
Thinning factor of snow particles from center. 0 - no thinning. 1 - maximal central area thinning. Default value: 0.4. Value range: 0, 1
Set the CenterThinning property transition options.
DSL for centerThinningTransition.
Snow particles color. Default value: "#ffffff".
Set the Color property transition options.
DSL for colorTransition.
Snow particles density. Controls the overall particles number. Default value: "["interpolate","linear","zoom",11,0,13,0.85]". Value range: 0, 1
Set the Density property transition options.
DSL for densityTransition.
Main snow particles direction. Azimuth and polar angles Default value: 0,50. Value range: 0, 360
Set the Direction property transition options.
DSL for directionTransition.
Snow flake particle size. Correlates with individual particle screen size Default value: 0.71. Value range: 0, 5
Set the FlakeSize property transition options.
DSL for flakeSizeTransition.
Snow particles movement factor. Controls the overall particles movement speed. Default value: 1. Value range: 0, 1
Set the Intensity property transition options.
DSL for intensityTransition.
Snow particles opacity. Default value: 1. Value range: 0, 1
Set the Opacity property transition options.
DSL for opacityTransition.
Snow vignette screen-space effect. Adds snow tint to screen corners Default value: "["interpolate","linear","zoom",11,0,13,0.3]". Value range: 0, 1
Snow vignette screen-space corners tint color. Default value: "#ffffff".
Set the VignetteColor property transition options.
DSL for vignetteColorTransition.
Set the Vignette property transition options.
DSL for vignetteTransition.