The experimental Rain API to render rain effect on the map.
Bind rain to the map controller.
Thinning factor of rain particles from center. 0 - no thinning. 1 - maximal central area thinning. Default value: 0.57. Value range: 0, 1
Set the CenterThinning property transition options.
DSL for centerThinningTransition.
Individual rain particle dorplets color. Default value: "["interpolate","linear","measure-light","brightness",0,"#03113d",0.3,"#a8adbc"]".
Set the Color property transition options.
DSL for colorTransition.
Rain particles density. Controls the overall screen density of the rain. Default value: "["interpolate","linear","zoom",11,0,13,0.5]". Value range: 0, 1
Set the Density property transition options.
DSL for densityTransition.
Main rain particles direction. Azimuth and polar angles. Default value: 0,80. Value range: 0, 360
Set the Direction property transition options.
DSL for directionTransition.
Rain particles screen-space distortion strength. Default value: 0.7. Value range: 0, 1
Set the DistortionStrength property transition options.
DSL for distortionStrengthTransition.
Rain droplet size. x - normal to direction, y - along direction Default value: 2.6,18.2. Value range: 0, 50
Set the DropletSize property transition options.
DSL for dropletSizeTransition.
Rain particles movement factor. Controls the overall rain particles speed Default value: 1. Value range: 0, 1
Set the Intensity property transition options.
DSL for intensityTransition.
Rain particles opacity. Default value: "["interpolate","linear","measure-light","brightness",0,0.88,1,0.7]". Value range: 0, 1
Set the Opacity property transition options.
DSL for opacityTransition.
Screen-space vignette rain tinting effect intensity. Default value: "["interpolate","linear","zoom",11,0,13,1]". Value range: 0, 1
Rain vignette screen-space corners tint color. Default value: "["interpolate","linear","measure-light","brightness",0,"#001736",0.3,"#464646"]".
Set the VignetteColor property transition options.
DSL for vignetteColorTransition.
Set the Vignette property transition options.
DSL for vignetteTransition.