The shading color of areas that face away from the light source. Default value: "#000000".
Use static method HillshadeLayer.defaultHillshadeShadowColor to set the default property.
value of hillshadeShadowColor
The shading color of areas that face away from the light source. Default value: "#000000".
Use static method HillshadeLayer.defaultHillshadeShadowColorAsExpression to set the default property.
value of hillshadeShadowColor as Expression
The shading color of areas that face away from the light source. Default value: "#000000".
Use static method HillshadeLayer.defaultHillshadeShadowColorAsColorInt to set the default property.
value of hillshadeShadowColor
The shading color of areas that face away from the light source. Default value: "#000000".