The shading color used to accentuate rugged terrain like sharp cliffs and gorges. Default value: "#000000".
Use static method HillshadeLayer.defaultHillshadeAccentColor to set the default property.
value of hillshadeAccentColor
The shading color used to accentuate rugged terrain like sharp cliffs and gorges. Default value: "#000000".
Use static method HillshadeLayer.defaultHillshadeAccentColorAsExpression to set the default property.
value of hillshadeAccentColor as Expression
The shading color used to accentuate rugged terrain like sharp cliffs and gorges. Default value: "#000000".
Use static method HillshadeLayer.defaultHillshadeAccentColorAsColorInt to set the default property.
value of hillshadeAccentColor
The shading color used to accentuate rugged terrain like sharp cliffs and gorges. Default value: "#000000".