The extent of the ambient occlusion effect on the ground beneath the extruded buildings in meters. Default value: 3. Minimum value: 0.
Use static method FillExtrusionLayer.defaultFillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionGroundRadius to set the default property.
value of fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionGroundRadius
The extent of the ambient occlusion effect on the ground beneath the extruded buildings in meters. Default value: 3. Minimum value: 0.
Use static method FillExtrusionLayer.defaultFillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionGroundRadiusAsExpression to set the default property.
value of fillExtrusionAmbientOcclusionGroundRadius as Expression
The extent of the ambient occlusion effect on the ground beneath the extruded buildings in meters. Default value: 3. Minimum value: 0.