A global directional light source which is only applied on 3D and hillshade layers. Using this type disables other light sources.
See also
Overwrite the equals for FlatLightState.
Overwrite the hashcode for FlatLightState.
Overwrite the toString for FlatLightState.
Defines the transition of intensity. Default value: 0.5. Value range: 0, 1
Position of the light source relative to lit (extruded) geometries, in r radial coordinate, a azimuthal
angle, p polar angle where r indicates the distance from the center of the base of an object to its light, a indicates the position of the light relative to 0 degree (0 degree when light.anchor
is set to viewport
corresponds to the top of the viewport, or 0 degree when light.anchor
is set to map
corresponds to due north, and degrees proceed clockwise), and p indicates the height of the light (from 0 degree, directly above, to 180 degree, directly below). Default value: 1.15,210,30.