The state holder for LocationIndicatorLayer's layer properties.
See also
Construct an default LocationIndicatorLayerState.
Defines the transition of accuracyRadiusBorderColor.
Overrides applying of color theme for accuracyRadiusBorderColor if "none" is set. To follow default theme "default" should be set. Default value: "default".
Overrides applying of color theme for accuracyRadiusColor if "none" is set. To follow default theme "default" should be set. Default value: "default".
Overrides applying of color theme for emphasisCircleColor if "none" is set. To follow default theme "default" should be set. Default value: "default".
Specifies a glow effect range of the emphasis circle, in pixels. If 0,0 values are provided, it renders the circle as a solid color. The first value specifies the start of the glow effect where it is equal to the circle's color, the second is the end, where it's fully transparent. Between the two values the effect is linearly faded out. Default value: 0,0.
An expression specifying conditions on source features. Only features that match the filter are displayed. Zoom expressions in filters are only evaluated at integer zoom levels. The ["feature-state", ...]
expression is not supported in filter expressions. The ["pitch"]
and ["distance-from-center"]
expressions are supported only for filter expressions on the symbol layer.
Defines the transition of locationIndicatorOpacity.