
Utility class to covert array of primitive types to the List of Objects.


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open fun convert(@NonNull arr: Array<Boolean>): List<Boolean>
Convert array of booleans to the list of Boolean objects
open fun convert(@NonNull arr: Array<Byte>): List<Byte>
Convert array of bytes to the list of Byte objects
open fun convert(@NonNull arr: Array<Char>): List<Character>
Convert array of chars to the list of Character objects
open fun convert(@NonNull arr: Array<Double>): List<Double>
Convert array of doubles to the list of Double objects
open fun convert(@NonNull arr: Array<Float>): List<Float>
Convert array of floats to the list of Float objects
open fun convert(@NonNull arr: Array<Int>): List<Integer>
Convert array of ints to the list of Integer objects
open fun convert(@NonNull arr: Array<Any>): List<Any>
Convert array of Objects to the list of Objects
open fun convert(@NonNull arr: Array<Long>): List<Long>
Convert array of longs to the list of Long objects
open fun convert(@NonNull arr: Array<Short>): List<Short>
Convert array of shorts to the list of Short objects
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Convert List of Objects to the array of Objects