
interface MapboxCarMapGestureHandler

This interface captures gesture events from Android Auto's SurfaceCallback. If you would like to customize observe the map gestures provided, you can set your own gestures with MapboxCarMap.setGestureHandler.


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open fun onFling(mapboxCarMapSurface: MapboxCarMapSurface, velocityX: Float, velocityY: Float)

Allows you to implement or observe the map fling gesture handler. The surface is MapboxCarMapObserver.onAttached before this can be triggered.

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open fun onScale(mapboxCarMapSurface: MapboxCarMapSurface, focusX: Float, focusY: Float, scaleFactor: Float)

Allows you to implement or observe the map scale gesture handler. The surface is MapboxCarMapObserver.onAttached before this can be triggered.

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open fun onScroll(mapboxCarMapSurface: MapboxCarMapSurface, visibleCenter: ScreenCoordinate, distanceX: Float, distanceY: Float)

Allows you to implement or observe the map scroll gesture handler. The surface is MapboxCarMapObserver.onAttached before this can be triggered.


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