
open override fun skyGradientRadius(skyGradientRadius: Double): SkyLayer

The angular distance (measured in degrees) from sky-gradient-center up to which the gradient extends. A value of 180 causes the gradient to wrap around to the opposite direction from sky-gradient-center.



value of skyGradientRadius

open override fun skyGradientRadius(skyGradientRadius: Expression): SkyLayer

The angular distance (measured in degrees) from sky-gradient-center up to which the gradient extends. A value of 180 causes the gradient to wrap around to the opposite direction from sky-gradient-center.



value of skyGradientRadius as Expression

val skyGradientRadius: Double?

The angular distance (measured in degrees) from sky-gradient-center up to which the gradient extends. A value of 180 causes the gradient to wrap around to the opposite direction from sky-gradient-center.