A layer to render 3D Models.
the ID of the layer
the ID of the source
Bind the layer to the Style.
Bind the layer to the map controller.
A filter is a property at the layer level that determines which features should be rendered in a style layer.
The maximum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels equal to or greater than the maxzoom, the layer will be hidden.
The minimum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels less than the minzoom, the layer will be hidden.
The tint color of the model layer. model-color-mix-intensity (defaults to 0) defines tint(mix) intensity - this means that, this color is not used unless model-color-mix-intensity gets value greater than 0.
Intensity of model-color (on a scale from 0 to 1) in color mix with original 3D model's colors. Higher number will present a higher model-color contribution in mix.
Set the ModelColorMixIntensity property transition options
DSL for modelColorMixIntensityTransition.
Set the ModelColor property transition options
DSL for modelColorTransition.
Model to render.
The opacity of the model layer.
Set the ModelOpacity property transition options
DSL for modelOpacityTransition.
The rotation of the model in euler angles lon, lat, z.
Set the ModelRotation property transition options
DSL for modelRotationTransition.
The scale of the model.
Set the ModelScale property transition options
DSL for modelScaleTransition.
The translation of the model in meters in form of longitudal, latitudal, altitude offsets.
Set the ModelTranslation property transition options
DSL for modelTranslationTransition.
Defines rendering behavior of model in respect to other 3D scene objects.
A source layer is an individual layer of data within a vector source. A vector source can have multiple source layers.
Whether this layer is displayed.