
open override fun modelColorMixIntensity(modelColorMixIntensity: Double): ModelLayer

Intensity of model-color (on a scale from 0 to 1) in color mix with original 3D model's colors. Higher number will present a higher model-color contribution in mix.



value of modelColorMixIntensity

open override fun modelColorMixIntensity(modelColorMixIntensity: Expression): ModelLayer

Intensity of model-color (on a scale from 0 to 1) in color mix with original 3D model's colors. Higher number will present a higher model-color contribution in mix.



value of modelColorMixIntensity as Expression

val modelColorMixIntensity: Double?

Intensity of model-color (on a scale from 0 to 1) in color mix with original 3D model's colors. Higher number will present a higher model-color contribution in mix.