Package com.mapbox.maps.extension.androidauto


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open class DefaultMapboxCarMapGestureHandler : MapboxCarMapGestureHandler

This class contains the default map gestures. It Handles the gestures received from SurfaceCallback and applies them to the MapboxMap camera. If you would like to customize the map gestures, use MapboxCarMap.setGestureHandler.

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class MapboxCarMap(mapInitOptions: MapInitOptions)

This is the main entry point for controlling the Mapbox car map surface.

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interface MapboxCarMapGestureHandler

This interface captures gesture events from Android Auto's SurfaceCallback. If you would like to customize observe the map gestures provided, you can set your own gestures with MapboxCarMap.setGestureHandler.

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interface MapboxCarMapObserver

Many downstream services will not work until the surface has been created and the map has loaded. This interface allows you to create custom Mapbox experiences for the car.

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class MapboxCarMapSurface

This contains the Android Auto head unit map information.