A source data has been loaded. Event may be emitted synchronously in cases when source's metadata is available when source is added to the style. The `id` property defines the source id. The `type` property defines if source's metadata (e.g., TileJSON) or tile has been loaded. The property of `metadata` value might be useful to identify when particular source's metadata is loaded, thus all source's properties are readable and can be updated before `map` will start requesting data to be rendered. The `loaded` property will be set to `true` if all source's data required for visible viewport of the `map`, are loaded. The `tile-id` property defines the tile id if the `type` field equals `tile`. ``` text Event data format (Object): . ├── id - String ├── type - String ("metadata" | "tile") ├── loaded - optional Boolean └── tile-id - optional Object ├── z Number (zoom level) ├── x Number (x coorinate) └── y Number (y coorinate) ```