UAComponents holds Application and SDK information for generating User-Agent string. The UA string itself is broken down into four components: 1. Application Name and version - appName/appVersion. 2. Application Identifier and OS Information - (appIdentifier; appBuildNumber; osName osVersion). This will be skipped from UA string, if any one of the field is empty or unknown. 3. SDK Name and Version - sdkName/sdkVersion. 4. SDK Identifier - (sdkIdentifier; sdkBuildNumber). This will be skipped from UA string, if any one of the field is empty or unknown. User Agent String Example: AppName/1.0 (app.bundle.identifier; v1; iOS 13.0.1) MapboxFramework/1.0 (framework.bundle.identifier; v1) Mapbox Common Library/v1.0.0 Note that if the User-Agent is already part of the HTTP request headers, we skip the generation using the information provided through the UserAgentComponents.