
object Companion

Static variables and methods.


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val defaultFillAntialias: Boolean?

Whether or not the fill should be antialiased.

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val defaultFillAntialiasAsExpression: Expression?

Whether or not the fill should be antialiased.

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val defaultFillColor: String?

The color of the filled part of this layer. This color can be specified as rgba with an alpha component and the color's opacity will not affect the opacity of the 1px stroke, if it is used.

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val defaultFillColorAsColorInt: Int?

The color of the filled part of this layer. This color can be specified as rgba with an alpha component and the color's opacity will not affect the opacity of the 1px stroke, if it is used.

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val defaultFillColorAsExpression: Expression?

The color of the filled part of this layer. This color can be specified as rgba with an alpha component and the color's opacity will not affect the opacity of the 1px stroke, if it is used.

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val defaultFillColorTransition: StyleTransition?

Transition options for FillColor.

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val defaultFillOpacity: Double?

The opacity of the entire fill layer. In contrast to the fill-color, this value will also affect the 1px stroke around the fill, if the stroke is used.

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val defaultFillOpacityAsExpression: Expression?

The opacity of the entire fill layer. In contrast to the fill-color, this value will also affect the 1px stroke around the fill, if the stroke is used.

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val defaultFillOpacityTransition: StyleTransition?

Transition options for FillOpacity.

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val defaultFillOutlineColor: String?

The outline color of the fill. Matches the value of fill-color if unspecified.

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val defaultFillOutlineColorAsColorInt: Int?

The outline color of the fill. Matches the value of fill-color if unspecified.

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val defaultFillOutlineColorAsExpression: Expression?

The outline color of the fill. Matches the value of fill-color if unspecified.

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val defaultFillOutlineColorTransition: StyleTransition?

Transition options for FillOutlineColor.

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val defaultFillPattern: String?

Name of image in sprite to use for drawing image fills. For seamless patterns, image width and height must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). Note that zoom-dependent expressions will be evaluated only at integer zoom levels.

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val defaultFillPatternAsExpression: Expression?

Name of image in sprite to use for drawing image fills. For seamless patterns, image width and height must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). Note that zoom-dependent expressions will be evaluated only at integer zoom levels.

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val defaultFillPatternTransition: StyleTransition?

Transition options for FillPattern.

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val defaultFillSortKey: Double?

Sorts features in ascending order based on this value. Features with a higher sort key will appear above features with a lower sort key.

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val defaultFillSortKeyAsExpression: Expression?

Sorts features in ascending order based on this value. Features with a higher sort key will appear above features with a lower sort key.

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val defaultFillTranslate: List<Double>?

The geometry's offset. Values are x, y where negatives indicate left and up, respectively.

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val defaultFillTranslateAnchor: FillTranslateAnchor?

Controls the frame of reference for fill-translate.

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val defaultFillTranslateAnchorAsExpression: Expression?

Controls the frame of reference for fill-translate.

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val defaultFillTranslateAsExpression: Expression?

The geometry's offset. Values are x, y where negatives indicate left and up, respectively.

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val defaultFillTranslateTransition: StyleTransition?

Transition options for FillTranslate.

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val defaultMaxZoom: Double?

The maximum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels equal to or greater than the maxzoom, the layer will be hidden.

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val defaultMinZoom: Double?

The minimum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels less than the minzoom, the layer will be hidden.

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val defaultVisibility: Visibility?

Visibility of the layer.