
open override fun accuracyRadiusColor(accuracyRadiusColor: String): LocationIndicatorLayer

The color for drawing the accuracy radius, as a circle. To adjust transparency, set the alpha component of the color accordingly.

Use static method LocationIndicatorLayer.defaultAccuracyRadiusColor to set the default property.



value of accuracyRadiusColor

open override fun accuracyRadiusColor(accuracyRadiusColor: Expression): LocationIndicatorLayer

The color for drawing the accuracy radius, as a circle. To adjust transparency, set the alpha component of the color accordingly.

Use static method LocationIndicatorLayer.defaultAccuracyRadiusColorAsExpression to set the default property.



value of accuracyRadiusColor as Expression

open override fun accuracyRadiusColor(@ColorInt accuracyRadiusColor: Int): LocationIndicatorLayer

The color for drawing the accuracy radius, as a circle. To adjust transparency, set the alpha component of the color accordingly.

Use static method LocationIndicatorLayer.defaultAccuracyRadiusColorAsColorInt to set the default property.



value of accuracyRadiusColor

val accuracyRadiusColor: String?

The color for drawing the accuracy radius, as a circle. To adjust transparency, set the alpha component of the color accordingly.