
abstract fun fillExtrusionPatternTransition(options: StyleTransition): FillExtrusionLayer

Name of image in sprite to use for drawing images on extruded fills. For seamless patterns, image width and height must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). Note that zoom-dependent expressions will be evaluated only at integer zoom levels.

Set the FillExtrusionPattern property transition options



transition options for String

abstract fun fillExtrusionPatternTransition(block: StyleTransition.Builder.() -> Unit): FillExtrusionLayer

Name of image in sprite to use for drawing images on extruded fills. For seamless patterns, image width and height must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). Note that zoom-dependent expressions will be evaluated only at integer zoom levels.

DSL for fillExtrusionPatternTransition.