Default implementation of the LocationComponentPlugin, it renders the configured location puck to the user's current location.
Adds a listener that gets invoked when indicator accuracy radius changes.
Adds a listener that gets invoked when indicator bearing changes.
Adds a listener that gets invoked when indicator position changes.
Bind the ViewPlugin with current map context. This will create a View that will be added to the MapView.
Get the current LocationProvider under usage with the LocationComponentPlugin.
Check whether the rendered location puck is on the given point.
Called whenever the accuracy radius is updated.
Called whenever the bearing is updated.
Provides all map delegate instances.
Called whenever the location is updated.
Update ValueAnimator options that will be used to animate between accuracy radius Double updates by default. This will apply to all upcoming updates.
Update ValueAnimator options that will be used to animate between bearing Double updates by default. This will apply to all upcoming updates.
Update ValueAnimator options that will be used to animate between Point updates by default. This will apply to all upcoming updates.
Called when a new Style is loaded.
Removes a listener that gets invoked when indicator accuracy radius changes.
Removes a listener that gets invoked when indicator bearing changes.
Removes a listener that gets invoked when indicator position changes.
Set the LocationProvider, it will replace the default location provider provided by the LocationComponentPlugin.