Base generic class for all camera animators.
Add an animator listener
Add an animator update listener
Cancels the animation. Unlike end(), cancel() causes the animation to stop in its tracks, sending an Animator.AnimatorListener.onAnimationCancel(Animator) to its listeners, followed by an Animator.AnimatorListener.onAnimationEnd(Animator) message.
The most recent value calculated by this ValueAnimator
when there is just one property being animated. This value is only sensible while the animation is running. The main purpose for this read-only property is to retrieve the value from the ValueAnimator
during a call to {@link AnimatorUpdateListener#onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator)}, which is called during each animation frame, immediately after the value is calculated.
Remove all animator listeners
Remove all update listeners
Remove an animator listener
Remove an animator update listener
Set the animator evaluator
Set the animator object values
Start animation value, will use current map value option from CameraOptions if null.