
class Builder(sourceId: String)

Builder for GeoJsonSource.



the ID of the source


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fun Builder(sourceId: String)


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fun attribution(value: String): GeoJsonSource.Builder

Contains an attribution to be displayed when the map is shown to a user.

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fun buffer(value: Long = 128L): GeoJsonSource.Builder

Size of the tile buffer on each side. A value of 0 produces no buffer. A value of 512 produces a buffer as wide as the tile itself. Larger values produce fewer rendering artifacts near tile edges and slower performance.

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fun build(): GeoJsonSource

Build the GeoJsonSource.

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fun cluster(value: Boolean = false): GeoJsonSource.Builder

If the data is a collection of point features, setting this to true clusters the points by radius into groups. Cluster groups become new Point features in the source with additional properties:

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fun clusterMaxZoom(value: Long): GeoJsonSource.Builder

Max zoom on which to cluster points if clustering is enabled. Defaults to one zoom less than maxzoom (so that last zoom features are not clustered). Clusters are re-evaluated at integer zoom levels so setting clusterMaxZoom to 14 means the clusters will be displayed until z15.

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fun clusterProperties(value: HashMap<String, Any>): GeoJsonSource.Builder

An object defining custom properties on the generated clusters if clustering is enabled, aggregating values from clustered points. Has the form {"property_name": [operator, map_expression]}. operator is any expression function that accepts at least 2 operands (e.g. "+" or "max") — it accumulates the property value from clusters/points the cluster contains; map_expression produces the value of a single point.

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fun clusterProperty(propertyName: String, mapExpr: Expression): GeoJsonSource.Builder
fun clusterProperty(propertyName: String, operatorExpr: Expression, mapExpr: Expression): GeoJsonSource.Builder

An object defining custom properties on the generated clusters if clustering is enabled, aggregating values from clustered points. Has the form {"property_name": [operator, map_expression]}. operator is any expression function that accepts at least 2 operands (e.g. "+" or "max") — it accumulates the property value from clusters/points the cluster contains; map_expression produces the value of a single point.

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fun clusterRadius(value: Long = 50L): GeoJsonSource.Builder

Radius of each cluster if clustering is enabled. A value of 512 indicates a radius equal to the width of a tile.

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fun data(value: String): GeoJsonSource.Builder

A URL to a GeoJSON file, or inline GeoJSON.

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fun feature(value: Feature): GeoJsonSource.Builder

Add a Feature to the GeojsonSource.

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fun featureCollection(value: FeatureCollection): GeoJsonSource.Builder

Add a FeatureCollection to the GeojsonSource.

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fun generateId(value: Boolean = false): GeoJsonSource.Builder

Whether to generate ids for the geojson features. When enabled, the property will be auto assigned based on its index in the features array, over-writing any previous values.

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fun geometry(value: Geometry): GeoJsonSource.Builder

Add a Geometry to the GeojsonSource.

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fun lineMetrics(value: Boolean = false): GeoJsonSource.Builder

Whether to calculate line distance metrics. This is required for line layers that specify line-gradient values.

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fun maxzoom(value: Long = 18L): GeoJsonSource.Builder

Maximum zoom level at which to create vector tiles (higher means greater detail at high zoom levels).

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fun prefetchZoomDelta(value: Long = 4L): GeoJsonSource.Builder

When loading a map, if PrefetchZoomDelta is set to any number greater than 0, the map will first request a tile at zoom level lower than zoom - delta, but so that the zoom level is multiple of delta, in an attempt to display a full map at lower resolution as quick as possible. It will get clamped at the tile source minimum zoom. The default delta is 4.

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fun promoteId(value: PromoteId): GeoJsonSource.Builder

A property to use as a feature id (for feature state). Either a property name, or an object of the form {<sourceLayer>: <propertyName>}.

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fun tolerance(value: Double = 0.375): GeoJsonSource.Builder

Douglas-Peucker simplification tolerance (higher means simpler geometries and faster performance).

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fun url(value: String): GeoJsonSource.Builder

A URL to a GeoJSON file, or inline GeoJSON.


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val sourceId: String