
The `observable` interface provides basic Publish&Subscribe functionality. Classes that extend this functionality and capable of generating events, have to specify event types and corresponding data format for an event.

interface ObservableInterface(androidJvm)


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Subscribes an `observer` to a provided array of event types. The `observable` will hold a strong reference to an `observer` instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call `unsubscribe` with an `observer` instance used for an initial subscription.

abstract fun subscribe(observer: Observer, events: List<String>)
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Unsubscribes an `observer` from all events.

abstract fun unsubscribe(observer: Observer)

Unsubscribes an `observer` from a provided array of event types.

abstract fun unsubscribe(observer: Observer, events: List<String>)


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Subscribes an Observer for of event type "camera-changed".

Observable will hold a strong reference to an Observer instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call unsubscribe with an Observer instance used for an initial subscription.

fun ObservableInterface.subscribeCameraChange(observer: Observer)
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Subscribes an Observer for of event type "map-idle".

Observable will hold a strong reference to an Observer instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call unsubscribe with an Observer instance used for an initial subscription.

fun ObservableInterface.subscribeMapIdle(observer: Observer)
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Subscribes an Observer for of event type "map-loaded".

Observable will hold a strong reference to an Observer instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call unsubscribe with an Observer instance used for an initial subscription.

fun ObservableInterface.subscribeMapLoaded(observer: Observer)
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Subscribes an Observer for of event type "map-loading-error".

Observable will hold a strong reference to an Observer instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call unsubscribe with an Observer instance used for an initial subscription.

fun ObservableInterface.subscribeMapLoadingError(observer: Observer)
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Subscribes an Observer for of event type "render-frame-finished".

Observable will hold a strong reference to an Observer instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call unsubscribe with an Observer instance used for an initial subscription.

fun ObservableInterface.subscribeRenderFrameFinished(observer: Observer)
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Subscribes an Observer for of event type "render-frame-started".

Observable will hold a strong reference to an Observer instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call unsubscribe with an Observer instance used for an initial subscription.

fun ObservableInterface.subscribeRenderFrameStarted(observer: Observer)
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Subscribes an Observer for of event type "resource-request".

Observable will hold a strong reference to an Observer instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call unsubscribe with an Observer instance used for an initial subscription.

fun ObservableInterface.subscribeResourceRequest(observer: Observer)
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Subscribes an Observer for of event type "source-added".

Observable will hold a strong reference to an Observer instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call unsubscribe with an Observer instance used for an initial subscription.

fun ObservableInterface.subscribeSourceAdded(observer: Observer)
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Subscribes an Observer for of event type "source-data-loaded".

Observable will hold a strong reference to an Observer instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call unsubscribe with an Observer instance used for an initial subscription.

fun ObservableInterface.subscribeSourceDataLoaded(observer: Observer)
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Subscribes an Observer for of event type "source-removed".

Observable will hold a strong reference to an Observer instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call unsubscribe with an Observer instance used for an initial subscription.

fun ObservableInterface.subscribeSourceRemoved(observer: Observer)
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Subscribes an Observer for of event type "style-data-loaded".

Observable will hold a strong reference to an Observer instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call unsubscribe with an Observer instance used for an initial subscription.

fun ObservableInterface.subscribeStyleDataLoaded(observer: Observer)
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Subscribes an Observer for of event type "style-image-missing".

Observable will hold a strong reference to an Observer instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call unsubscribe with an Observer instance used for an initial subscription.

fun ObservableInterface.subscribeStyleImageMissing(observer: Observer)
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Subscribes an Observer for of event type "style-image-remove-unused".

Observable will hold a strong reference to an Observer instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call unsubscribe with an Observer instance used for an initial subscription.

fun ObservableInterface.subscribeStyleImageUnused(observer: Observer)
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Subscribes an Observer for of event type "style-loaded".

Observable will hold a strong reference to an Observer instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call unsubscribe with an Observer instance used for an initial subscription.

fun ObservableInterface.subscribeStyleLoaded(observer: Observer)
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Unsubscribe an Observer for event types "camera-changed".

fun ObservableInterface.unsubscribeCameraChange(observer: Observer)
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Unsubscribe an Observer for event types "map-idle".

fun ObservableInterface.unsubscribeMapIdle(observer: Observer)
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Unsubscribe an Observer for event types "map-loaded".

fun ObservableInterface.unsubscribeMapLoaded(observer: Observer)
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Unsubscribe an Observer for event types "map-loading-error".

fun ObservableInterface.unsubscribeMapLoadingError(observer: Observer)
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Unsubscribe an Observer for event types "render-frame-finished".

fun ObservableInterface.unsubscribeRenderFrameFinished(observer: Observer)
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Unsubscribe an Observer for event types "render-frame-started".

fun ObservableInterface.unsubscribeRenderFrameStarted(observer: Observer)
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Unsubscribe an Observer for event types "resource-request".

fun ObservableInterface.unsubscribeResourceRequest(observer: Observer)
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Unsubscribe an Observer for event types "source-added".

fun ObservableInterface.unsubscribeSourceAdded(observer: Observer)
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Unsubscribe an Observer for event types "source-data-loaded".

fun ObservableInterface.unsubscribeSourceDataLoaded(observer: Observer)
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Unsubscribe an Observer for event types "source-removed".

fun ObservableInterface.unsubscribeSourceRemoved(observer: Observer)
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Unsubscribe an Observer for event types "style-data-loaded".

fun ObservableInterface.unsubscribeStyleDataFinished(observer: Observer)
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Unsubscribe an Observer for event types "style-image-missing".

fun ObservableInterface.unsubscribeStyleImageMissing(observer: Observer)
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Unsubscribe an Observer for event types "style-image-remove-unused".

fun ObservableInterface.unsubscribeStyleImageUnused(observer: Observer)
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Unsubscribe an Observer for event types "style-loaded".

fun ObservableInterface.unsubscribeStyleLoaded(observer: Observer)