Class for CircleAnnotation
The circleBlur property
Amount to blur the circle. 1 blurs the circle such that only the centerpoint is full opacity.
The circleColor property in Int The fill color of the circle.
The circleColor property in String
The fill color of the circle.
The circleOpacity property
The opacity at which the circle will be drawn.
The circleRadius property
Circle radius.
The circleSortKey property
Sorts features in ascending order based on this value. Features with a higher sort key will appear above features with a lower sort key.
The circleStrokeColor property in Int The stroke color of the circle.
The circleStrokeColor property in String
The stroke color of the circle.
The circleStrokeOpacity property
The opacity of the circle's stroke.
The circleStrokeWidth property
The width of the circle's stroke. Strokes are placed outside of the {@link PropertyFactory#circleRadius}.