
class Builder


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open fun Builder()


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open fun build(): TilesetDescriptorOptions
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Maximum zoom level for the tile package. maxZoom value cannot exceed the maximum allowed tile batch zoom value,

open fun maxZoom(maxZoom: Byte): TilesetDescriptorOptions.Builder
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Minimum zoom level for the tile package. Note: the implementation loads and stores the loaded tiles in batches, each batch has a pre-defined zoom range and it contains all child tiles within the range. The currently used tile batches zoom ranges are: - Global coverage: 0 - 5 - Regional information: 6 - 10 - Local information: 11 - 14 - Streets detail: 15 - 16 Internally, the implementation maps the given tile pack zoom range and geometry to a set of pre-defined batches to load, therefore it is highly recommended to choose the `minZoom` and `maxZoom` values in accordance with the tile batches zoom ranges (see the list above).

open fun minZoom(minZoom: Byte): TilesetDescriptorOptions.Builder
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Pixel ratio to be accounted for when downloading raster tiles. The `pixelRatio` must be ≥ 0 and should typically be 1.0 or 2.0.

open fun pixelRatio(pixelRatio: Float): TilesetDescriptorOptions.Builder
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Style package load options, associated with the tileset descriptor. If provided, `offline manager` will create a style package while resolving the corresponding tileset descriptor and load all the resources as defined in the provided style package options, i.e. resolving of corresponding the tileset descriptor will be equivalent to calling the `loadStylePack` method of `offline manager`. If not provided, resolving of the corresponding tileset descriptor will not cause creating of a new style package but the loaded resources will be stored in the disk cache.

open fun stylePackOptions(stylePackOptions: StylePackLoadOptions): TilesetDescriptorOptions.Builder
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The style associated with the tileset descriptor

open fun styleURI(styleURI: String): TilesetDescriptorOptions.Builder