
Interface for managing style of the `map`.

interface StyleManagerInterface(androidJvm) : ObservableInterface


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Adds a new [style custom layer]( Note: This is an experimental API and is a subject to change. Whenever a new style is being parsed and currently used style has persistent layers, an engine will try to do following: - keep the persistent layer at its relative position - keep the source used by a persistent layer - keep images added through `addStyleImage` method In cases when a new style has the same layer, source or image resource, style's resources would be used instead and `MapLoadingError` event will be emitted.

abstract fun addPersistentStyleCustomLayer(layerId: String, layerHost: CustomLayerHost, layerPosition: LayerPosition): Expected<String, None>
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Adds a new [style layer]( Note: This is an experimental API and is a subject to change. Whenever a new style is being parsed and currently used style has persistent layers, an engine will try to do following: - keep the persistent layer at its relative position - keep the source used by a persistent layer - keep images added through `addStyleImage` method In cases when a new style has the same layer, source or image resource, style's resources would be used instead and `MapLoadingError` event will be emitted.

abstract fun addPersistentStyleLayer(properties: Value, layerPosition: LayerPosition): Expected<String, None>
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Adds a custom geometry to be used in the style. To add the data, implement the fetchTileFunction callback in the options and call setStyleCustomGeometrySourceTileData()

abstract fun addStyleCustomGeometrySource(sourceId: String, options: CustomGeometrySourceOptions): Expected<String, None>
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Adds a new [style custom layer]( Runtime style layers are valid until they are either removed or a new style is loaded.

abstract fun addStyleCustomLayer(layerId: String, layerHost: CustomLayerHost, layerPosition: LayerPosition): Expected<String, None>
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Adds an image to be used in the style. This API can also be used for updating an image. If the image for a given `imageId` was already added, it gets replaced by the new image. The image can be used in [`icon-image`](, [`fill-pattern`](, [`line-pattern`]( and [`text-field`]( properties.

abstract fun addStyleImage(imageId: String, scale: Float, image: Image, sdf: Boolean, stretchX: List<ImageStretches>, stretchY: List<ImageStretches>, content: ImageContent): Expected<String, None>
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Adds a new [style layer]( Runtime style layers are valid until they are either removed or a new style is loaded.

abstract fun addStyleLayer(properties: Value, layerPosition: LayerPosition): Expected<String, None>
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Adds a new [style source](

abstract fun addStyleSource(sourceId: String, properties: Value): Expected<String, None>
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Returns the map style's default camera, if any, or a default camera otherwise. The map style's default camera is defined as follows: - [center]( - [zoom]( - [bearing]( - [pitch]( The style default camera is re-evaluated when a new style is loaded.

abstract fun getStyleDefaultCamera(): CameraOptions
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Get an `image` from the style.

abstract fun getStyleImage(imageId: String): Image
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Get the JSON serialization string of the current style in use.

abstract fun getStyleJSON(): String
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Gets style layer properties.

abstract fun getStyleLayerProperties(layerId: String): Expected<String, Value>
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Gets the value of style layer property.

abstract fun getStyleLayerProperty(layerId: String, property: String): StylePropertyValue
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Returns the existing style layers.

abstract fun getStyleLayers(): List<StyleObjectInfo>
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Gets the value of a style light property.

abstract fun getStyleLightProperty(property: String): StylePropertyValue
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Gets style source properties.

abstract fun getStyleSourceProperties(sourceId: String): Expected<String, Value>
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Gets the value of style source property.

abstract fun getStyleSourceProperty(sourceId: String, property: String): StylePropertyValue
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Returns the existing style sources.

abstract fun getStyleSources(): List<StyleObjectInfo>
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Gets the value of a style terrain property.

abstract fun getStyleTerrainProperty(property: String): StylePropertyValue
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Returns the map style's transition options. By default, the style parser will attempt to read the style default transition options, if any, fallbacking to an immediate transition otherwise. Transition options can be overriden via `setStyleTransition`, but the options are reset once a new style has been loaded. The style transition is re-evaluated when a new style is loaded.

abstract fun getStyleTransition(): TransitionOptions
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Get the URI of the current style in use.

abstract fun getStyleURI(): String

Invalidate region for provided custom geometry source.

abstract fun invalidateStyleCustomGeometrySourceRegion(sourceId: String, bounds: CoordinateBounds): Expected<String, None>
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Invalidate tile for provided custom geometry source.

abstract fun invalidateStyleCustomGeometrySourceTile(sourceId: String, tileId: CanonicalTileID): Expected<String, None>
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Checks if a style layer is persistent. Note: This is an experimental API and is a subject to change.

abstract fun isStyleLayerPersistent(layerId: String): Expected<String, Boolean>
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Check if the style is completely loaded. Note: The style specified sprite would be marked as loaded even with sprite loading error (An error will be emitted via `MapLoadingError`). Sprite loading error is not fatal and we don't want it to block the map rendering, thus the function will still return `true` if style and sources are fully loaded.

abstract fun isStyleLoaded(): Boolean
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Moves an existing style layer

abstract fun moveStyleLayer(layerId: String, layerPosition: LayerPosition): Expected<String, None>
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Removes an image from the style.

abstract fun removeStyleImage(imageId: String): Expected<String, None>
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Removes an existing style layer.

abstract fun removeStyleLayer(layerId: String): Expected<String, None>
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Removes an existing style source.

abstract fun removeStyleSource(sourceId: String): Expected<String, None>
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Set tile data of a custom geometry.

abstract fun setStyleCustomGeometrySourceTileData(sourceId: String, tileId: CanonicalTileID, featureCollection: List<Feature>): Expected<String, None>
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Load the style from a provided JSON string.

abstract fun setStyleJSON(json: String)
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Sets style layer properties. This method can be used to perform batch update for a style layer properties. The structure of a provided `properties` value must conform to a format for a corresponding [layer type]( Modification of a layer [id]( and/or a [layer type] ( is not allowed.

abstract fun setStyleLayerProperties(layerId: String, properties: Value): Expected<String, None>
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Sets a value to a style layer property.

abstract fun setStyleLayerProperty(layerId: String, property: String, value: Value): Expected<String, None>
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Sets the style global [light]( properties.

abstract fun setStyleLight(properties: Value): Expected<String, None>
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Sets a value to the the style light property.

abstract fun setStyleLightProperty(property: String, value: Value): Expected<String, None>
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Sets style source properties. This method can be used to perform batch update for a style source properties. The structure of a provided `properties` value must conform to a format for a corresponding [source type]( Modification of a source [type]( is not allowed.

abstract fun setStyleSourceProperties(sourceId: String, properties: Value): Expected<String, None>
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Sets a value to a style source property. Note: When setting the `data` property of a `geojson` source, this method never returns an error. In case of success, a `map-loaded` event will be propagated. In case of errors, a `map-loading-error` event will be propagated instead.

abstract fun setStyleSourceProperty(sourceId: String, property: String, value: Value): Expected<String, None>
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Sets the style global [terrain]( properties.

abstract fun setStyleTerrain(properties: Value): Expected<String, None>
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Sets a value to the the style terrain property.

abstract fun setStyleTerrainProperty(property: String, value: Value): Expected<String, None>
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Overrides the map style's transition options with user-provided options. The style transition is re-evaluated when a new style is loaded.

abstract fun setStyleTransition(transitionOptions: TransitionOptions)
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Load style from provided URI. This is an asynchronous call. To check the result of this operation the user must register an observer observing `MapLoaded` or `MapLoadingError` events. In case of successful style load, `StyleLoaded` event will be also emitted.

abstract fun setStyleURI(uri: String)
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Checks whether a given style layer exists.

abstract fun styleLayerExists(layerId: String): Boolean
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Checks whether a given style source exists.

abstract fun styleSourceExists(sourceId: String): Boolean
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Subscribes an `observer` to a provided array of event types. The `observable` will hold a strong reference to an `observer` instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call `unsubscribe` with an `observer` instance used for an initial subscription.

abstract fun subscribe(observer: Observer, events: List<String>)
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Unsubscribes an `observer` from all events.

abstract fun unsubscribe(observer: Observer)

Unsubscribes an `observer` from a provided array of event types.

abstract fun unsubscribe(observer: Observer, events: List<String>)
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Updates the image of an [image style source](

abstract fun updateStyleImageSourceImage(sourceId: String, image: Image): Expected<String, None>


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Extension function to get a Layer provided by the Style Extension by layer id.

fun StyleManagerInterface.getLayer(layerId: String): Layer?
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Tries to cast the Layer to T.

inline fun <T : Layer> StyleManagerInterface.getLayerAs(layerId: String): T?
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Extension function to get a Source provided by the Style Extension by source id.

fun StyleManagerInterface.getSource(sourceId: String): Source?
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Tries to cast the Source to T.

inline fun <T : Source> StyleManagerInterface.getSourceAs(sourceId: String): T?