
A region can have a single observer, which gets notified whenever a change to the region's status occurs.


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open fun OfflineRegionObserverNative(peer: Long)


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Implement this method to be notified when the limit on the number of Mapbox tiles stored for offline regions has been reached.

open fun mapboxTileCountLimitExceeded(limit: Long)
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Implement this method to be notified of errors encountered while downloading regional resources. Such errors may be recoverable; for example the implementation will attempt to re-request failed resources based on an exponential backoff algorithm, or when it detects that network access has been restored.

open fun responseError(error: ResponseError)
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Implement this method to be notified of a change in the status of an offline region. Status changes include any change in state of the members of `offline region status`.

open fun statusChanged(status: OfflineRegionStatus)