
Static variables and methods.

object Companion


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String


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The shading color used to accentuate rugged terrain like sharp cliffs and gorges.

val defaultHillshadeAccentColor: String?
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The shading color used to accentuate rugged terrain like sharp cliffs and gorges.

val defaultHillshadeAccentColorAsColorInt: Int?
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This is an Expression representation of "hillshade-accent-color".

The shading color used to accentuate rugged terrain like sharp cliffs and gorges.

val defaultHillshadeAccentColorAsExpression: Expression?
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Transition options for HillshadeAccentColor.

val defaultHillshadeAccentColorTransition: StyleTransition?
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Intensity of the hillshade

val defaultHillshadeExaggeration: Double?

This is an Expression representation of "hillshade-exaggeration".

Intensity of the hillshade

val defaultHillshadeExaggerationAsExpression: Expression?
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Transition options for HillshadeExaggeration.

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The shading color of areas that faces towards the light source.

val defaultHillshadeHighlightColor: String?

The shading color of areas that faces towards the light source.

val defaultHillshadeHighlightColorAsColorInt: Int?

This is an Expression representation of "hillshade-highlight-color".

The shading color of areas that faces towards the light source.

val defaultHillshadeHighlightColorAsExpression: Expression?

Transition options for HillshadeHighlightColor.

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Direction of light source when map is rotated.

This is an Expression representation of "hillshade-illumination-anchor".

Direction of light source when map is rotated.

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The direction of the light source used to generate the hillshading with 0 as the top of the viewport if hillshade-illumination-anchor is set to viewport and due north if hillshade-illumination-anchor is set to map.

val defaultHillshadeIlluminationDirection: Double?

This is an Expression representation of "hillshade-illumination-direction".

The direction of the light source used to generate the hillshading with 0 as the top of the viewport if hillshade-illumination-anchor is set to viewport and due north if hillshade-illumination-anchor is set to map.

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The shading color of areas that face away from the light source.

val defaultHillshadeShadowColor: String?
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The shading color of areas that face away from the light source.

val defaultHillshadeShadowColorAsColorInt: Int?
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This is an Expression representation of "hillshade-shadow-color".

The shading color of areas that face away from the light source.

val defaultHillshadeShadowColorAsExpression: Expression?
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Transition options for HillshadeShadowColor.

val defaultHillshadeShadowColorTransition: StyleTransition?
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The maximum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels equal to or greater than the maxzoom, the layer will be hidden.

Range: minimum: 0 maximum: 24

val defaultMaxZoom: Double?
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The minimum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels less than the minzoom, the layer will be hidden.

Range: minimum: 0 maximum: 24

val defaultMinZoom: Double?
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Visibility of the layer.

val defaultVisibility: Visibility?