
A spherical dome around the map that is always rendered behind all other layers.

class SkyLayer(layerId: String) : Layer, SkyLayerDsl

See also



the ID of the layer


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the ID of the layer

fun SkyLayer(layerId: String)


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Static variables and methods.

object Companion


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Bind the layer to the Style.

override fun bindTo(delegate: StyleInterface)

Bind the layer to the map controller.

open override fun bindTo(delegate: StyleInterface, position: LayerPosition?)
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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Set the filter property

open override fun filter(filter: Expression): SkyLayer
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override fun getCachedLayerProperties(): Value
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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Set the maxzoom property

open override fun maxZoom(maxZoom: Double): SkyLayer
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Set the minzoom property

open override fun minZoom(minZoom: Double): SkyLayer
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Set the SkyAtmosphereColor property

open override fun skyAtmosphereColor(skyAtmosphereColor: Expression): SkyLayer
open override fun skyAtmosphereColor(skyAtmosphereColor: String): SkyLayer

Set the SkyAtmosphereColor property.

open override fun skyAtmosphereColor(skyAtmosphereColor: Int): SkyLayer
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Set the SkyAtmosphereHaloColor property

open override fun skyAtmosphereHaloColor(skyAtmosphereHaloColor: Expression): SkyLayer
open override fun skyAtmosphereHaloColor(skyAtmosphereHaloColor: String): SkyLayer

Set the SkyAtmosphereHaloColor property.

open override fun skyAtmosphereHaloColor(skyAtmosphereHaloColor: Int): SkyLayer
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Set the SkyAtmosphereSun property

open override fun skyAtmosphereSun(skyAtmosphereSun: Expression): SkyLayer
open override fun skyAtmosphereSun(skyAtmosphereSun: List<Double>): SkyLayer
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Set the SkyAtmosphereSunIntensity property

open override fun skyAtmosphereSunIntensity(skyAtmosphereSunIntensity: Expression): SkyLayer
open override fun skyAtmosphereSunIntensity(skyAtmosphereSunIntensity: Double): SkyLayer
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Set the SkyGradient property

open override fun skyGradient(skyGradient: Expression): SkyLayer
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Set the SkyGradientCenter property

open override fun skyGradientCenter(skyGradientCenter: Expression): SkyLayer
open override fun skyGradientCenter(skyGradientCenter: List<Double>): SkyLayer
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Set the SkyGradientRadius property

open override fun skyGradientRadius(skyGradientRadius: Expression): SkyLayer
open override fun skyGradientRadius(skyGradientRadius: Double): SkyLayer
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Set the SkyOpacity property

open override fun skyOpacity(skyOpacity: Expression): SkyLayer
open override fun skyOpacity(skyOpacity: Double): SkyLayer
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Set the SkyOpacity property transition options

open override fun skyOpacityTransition(options: StyleTransition): SkyLayer
open override fun skyOpacityTransition(block: StyleTransition.Builder.() -> Unit): SkyLayer
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Set the SkyType property

open override fun skyType(skyType: Expression): SkyLayer
open override fun skyType(skyType: SkyType): SkyLayer
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open override fun toString(): String
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override fun updateProperty(property: PropertyValue<*>)
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Set the Visibility property

open override fun visibility(visibility: Visibility): SkyLayer


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A expression specifying conditions on source features. Only features that match the filter are displayed. Zoom expressions in filters are only evaluated at integer zoom levels. The feature-state expression is not supported in filter expressions.

val filter: Expression?
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the ID of the layer

open override val layerId: String
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Properties of this layer.

override val layerProperties: HashMap<String, PropertyValue<*>>
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The maximum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels equal to or greater than the maxzoom, the layer will be hidden.

Range: minimum: 0 maximum: 24

open override val maxZoom: Double?
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The minimum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels less than the minzoom, the layer will be hidden.

Range: minimum: 0 maximum: 24

open override val minZoom: Double?
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A color used to tweak the main atmospheric scattering coefficients. Using white applies the default coefficients giving the natural blue color to the atmosphere. This color affects how heavily the corresponding wavelength is represented during scattering. The alpha channel describes the density of the atmosphere, with 1 maximum density and 0 no density.

val skyAtmosphereColor: String?
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A color used to tweak the main atmospheric scattering coefficients. Using white applies the default coefficients giving the natural blue color to the atmosphere. This color affects how heavily the corresponding wavelength is represented during scattering. The alpha channel describes the density of the atmosphere, with 1 maximum density and 0 no density.

val skyAtmosphereColorAsColorInt: Int?
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This is an Expression representation of "sky-atmosphere-color".

A color used to tweak the main atmospheric scattering coefficients. Using white applies the default coefficients giving the natural blue color to the atmosphere. This color affects how heavily the corresponding wavelength is represented during scattering. The alpha channel describes the density of the atmosphere, with 1 maximum density and 0 no density.

val skyAtmosphereColorAsExpression: Expression?
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A color applied to the atmosphere sun halo. The alpha channel describes how strongly the sun halo is represented in an atmosphere sky layer.

val skyAtmosphereHaloColor: String?
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A color applied to the atmosphere sun halo. The alpha channel describes how strongly the sun halo is represented in an atmosphere sky layer.

val skyAtmosphereHaloColorAsColorInt: Int?
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This is an Expression representation of "sky-atmosphere-halo-color".

A color applied to the atmosphere sun halo. The alpha channel describes how strongly the sun halo is represented in an atmosphere sky layer.

val skyAtmosphereHaloColorAsExpression: Expression?
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Position of the sun center a azimuthal angle, p polar angle. The azimuthal angle indicates the position of the sun relative to 0 degree north, where degrees proceed clockwise. The polar angle indicates the height of the sun, where 0 degree is directly above, at zenith, and 90 degree at the horizon. When this property is ommitted, the sun center is directly inherited from the light position.

val skyAtmosphereSun: List<Double>?
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This is an Expression representation of "sky-atmosphere-sun".

Position of the sun center a azimuthal angle, p polar angle. The azimuthal angle indicates the position of the sun relative to 0 degree north, where degrees proceed clockwise. The polar angle indicates the height of the sun, where 0 degree is directly above, at zenith, and 90 degree at the horizon. When this property is ommitted, the sun center is directly inherited from the light position.

val skyAtmosphereSunAsExpression: Expression?
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Intensity of the sun as a light source in the atmosphere (on a scale from 0 to a 100). Setting higher values will brighten up the sky.

val skyAtmosphereSunIntensity: Double?
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This is an Expression representation of "sky-atmosphere-sun-intensity".

Intensity of the sun as a light source in the atmosphere (on a scale from 0 to a 100). Setting higher values will brighten up the sky.

val skyAtmosphereSunIntensityAsExpression: Expression?
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Defines a radial color gradient with which to color the sky. The color values can be interpolated with an expression using sky-radial-progress. The range 0, 1 for the interpolant covers a radial distance (in degrees) of 0, `sky-gradient-radius` centered at the position specified by sky-gradient-center.

val skyGradient: Expression?
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Position of the gradient center a azimuthal angle, p polar angle. The azimuthal angle indicates the position of the gradient center relative to 0 degree north, where degrees proceed clockwise. The polar angle indicates the height of the gradient center, where 0 degree is directly above, at zenith, and 90 degree at the horizon.

val skyGradientCenter: List<Double>?
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This is an Expression representation of "sky-gradient-center".

Position of the gradient center a azimuthal angle, p polar angle. The azimuthal angle indicates the position of the gradient center relative to 0 degree north, where degrees proceed clockwise. The polar angle indicates the height of the gradient center, where 0 degree is directly above, at zenith, and 90 degree at the horizon.

val skyGradientCenterAsExpression: Expression?
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The angular distance (measured in degrees) from sky-gradient-center up to which the gradient extends. A value of 180 causes the gradient to wrap around to the opposite direction from sky-gradient-center.

val skyGradientRadius: Double?
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This is an Expression representation of "sky-gradient-radius".

The angular distance (measured in degrees) from sky-gradient-center up to which the gradient extends. A value of 180 causes the gradient to wrap around to the opposite direction from sky-gradient-center.

val skyGradientRadiusAsExpression: Expression?
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The opacity of the entire sky layer.

val skyOpacity: Double?
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This is an Expression representation of "sky-opacity".

The opacity of the entire sky layer.

val skyOpacityAsExpression: Expression?
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Transition options for SkyOpacity.

val skyOpacityTransition: StyleTransition?
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The type of the sky

val skyType: SkyType?
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This is an Expression representation of "sky-type".

The type of the sky

val skyTypeAsExpression: Expression?
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Visibility of the layer.

open override val visibility: Visibility?